Dear Students,
It gives me profound of satisfaction to see that I succeeded in seeing the students of D Pharmacy Institute in their our town. Hence, I personally derive immense of pleasure in having been afforded a great opportunity to serve the cause of Pharmacy education in this town through the establishment of ASPM.
The college aims at preparing the students a pharmacists and making them average of the right and duties stipulated on moral issues based an ethics and values. I am sure that most parent will have major attraction towards. Such a specialized institution to education their word in it. This will also enable them to grow in a secure and caring environment and adopt a meaningful service to mankind.
If is expected that in futive D Pharmacy Institute would prove to be a function of high values and principles and dedicated, specialized place of learning and practice. If has become a fully demarcated centre for professional education. I am glad to see that eminent faculty and experts of the field our enriching the students with scientific knowledge and experience at D Pharmacy Institute.